Those things that catch one’s eye.
Florets Wane
Buddha Entwined
Tongue Tied
Blossoming Textures
Rust Reflection
Tarmac Stripe
Miss Mitchell
Original Window Seat
Harbor Crane
Precision Prop
Ready For Action
Cistern Columns
What Do You Need
Oak Alley
Is It Really An Escape
Wisconsin Capitol
The Wolf Within
Among Sequoia Giants
Bicycle on Nyhavn
Go Forth And Multiply
Escher's Endless Stairs
Purple Roses
Rusted Shut
The Driver's Seat
Sunflower Stages
Blow Me Away
Puddle of Mud
Window Cat
Village Cat
Abbey Choices
The Abbey Confines
Alley Bike
Dust on the Bottle
Stand Alone in a Crowd
Hint of Yellow